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Dominated by Two Leopards [The Alpha Legend 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 9

  “Okay. One point down. But you don’t live here. This isn’t your home.” Nadine sat in the nearest chair because she was suddenly dizzy. “I knew that. I knew it the night you both came into The Lair. I have no one but myself to blame for this, do I?”

  They both took their seats again and reached for her at the same time. She grasped one hand from each of them and stared at the leopard head and feather tattoos on each of their left forearms, just to give herself something to focus on so she didn’t pass out. Concentration was difficult right now. She’d noticed the tats earlier, but had been more interested in other parts of their anatomy at the time. “Those tats are beautiful. Do you all have them?”

  “You mean the police force in our village? Do they all have them?” asked Austin.

  “I guess that’s what I meant, yes.” She had no idea what she’d meant to ask. She was only trying to stall the inevitable.

  “No. Only the leopards who do consulting work for your grandfather have them.”

  “Oh, I see. The jaguars here who work for him each have a distinctive tat as well, but I guess you know that by now. How long have you both done work for him?” This couldn’t be happening. She couldn’t be sitting here in the middle of the night, drinking coffee, and calmly discussing tattoos when they were going to leave her soon.

  “Several years.”

  “But this is the first time you’ve been here in this village, right?”

  Austin shook his head. “Actually, no. We were here about six years ago for a couple of weeks.”

  “Do you remember seeing me?” Why had she asked that? Six years ago she’d been a teenager. They wouldn’t have given her a second glance.

  He smiled. “I wish I could say we do, but I don’t think we saw you or met you.”

  Nadine took a deep breath. No, they hadn’t met. She would have remembered that. “So what happens now?” She didn’t want to call either of them “Sir” right now. It didn’t seem right to do so. They weren’t her Doms. They couldn't be. Not unless they both agreed to have a very short-term Dom/sub relationship with her, and she wasn’t sure she could do that. She barely understood what a long-term one meant. She barely understood anything right now.

  “We won’t be going anywhere for at least two weeks,” said Austin. “Your grandfather wants to confirm all the spots on the map and coordinate with local police forces and his troops in satellite locations. We won’t ask anything of you until we leave except to spend time with us.”

  “I don’t understand.” They wanted to spend time with her, knowing it would only be for a short time? Why? And what were they meant to be doing during those few short weeks? More of the same?

  “Just give us these few weeks. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. We don’t have to play, or have sex again, or do anything but sit and talk, if that’s all what you want to do. But just give us this time with you.”

  She glanced at Galatyn. “Is this what you want, too?”

  “Yes. I only want to spend time with you. We both do. We never meant to hurt you or cause you pain. And we didn’t know this was going to happen with the League. No one did.”

  “I realize that.” There was no way anyone could have predicted this.

  “If someone had asked whether I believed that the League would be eradicated in my lifetime, I would have laughed.”

  She agreed with him, although she didn’t say so. Her father’s and grandfather’s work was as much a part of her life as breathing was. What would their village be like once the League was gone? What would their entire world be like? What would her grandfather do? And what would happen to future generations of shifters? Would they teach this in the history classes at school? Would anyone remember her father or others who had died for this cause? Would they remember her grandfather? Or would this fall into legend one day until no one was alive who could verify that the League had actually existed?

  “You look deep in thought,” said Galatyn. “Please share them with us.”

  She didn’t want to tell them what she’d been thinking. They’d think she was nuts. She scrambled to come up with a suitable answer to his question. “Do I still need to call you both ‘Sir’?”

  “No. You don’t have to do that. That’s a title we earn, and we haven’t done that.”

  “But why would you waste your time on me? I don’t understand.” She sounded like she was fishing for compliments, and she hated that. That’s the kind of thing that Kirsten would do. “That didn’t come out right. I'm not sure how to ask what I mean.”

  “It’s all right,” said Austin. “I think we know what you mean. The reason we want to spend time with you is because we like you, plain and simple. We’re both quite smitten, actually.” He cut his gaze toward Galatyn who smiled and nodded. “I don’t know what’s going to happen. None of us do. But I don't want to spend the time regretting what we did last night. And I certainly don’t want to walk away from you right now, as though it never happened. It did happen. And it was…wonderful.”

  He closed his eyes for a second, and she wondered if he was thinking about Katarina. The last time he’d been out in the field, she’d been killed. But this wasn’t the same thing. Not even close.

  “I haven’t felt this alive in years. I want you to know that. Last night meant something to me. A lot. It meant a lot to both of us. And we’re not going to dismiss it or you simply because circumstances have now changed.”

  Galatyn reached across the table and brushed a finger along her face. She shivered. Once again, their tenderness surprised her. “I agree with everything Austin said. I will never regret this, and I don’t want to walk away now. None of us knows what will come of this new information your grandfather has. It could end up being a bunch of false leads for all we know. But if we do end up joining the fight in two weeks, three weeks, or even in three months, I don’t want to regret not having spent as much time as possible with you right now.”

  She thought about everything they’d just said, and then she let all the sensations and emotions she’d felt last night wash over her. She could no more walk away from any of that than they could. She’d been intrigued with them the first time she’d spotted them in The Lair last week. And now, after what they’d done to her in the dungeon next door, and last night in what she now realized was Austin’s bedroom, there was no way she could simply turn her back on them.

  She’d waited for this, and now that she’d had a taste of it, she had to have more. And at least they weren’t lying to her right now or making promises they couldn’t keep. No one could accuse them of that—not even her grandfather. They were being totally up front and honest. They hadn’t hurt her on purpose. This situation was out of their hands. How could she ask for anything else, especially under the circumstances?

  What she’d done last night wasn’t wrong. And it wasn’t irresponsible like the way Kirsten behaved. These two weren’t going to use her and then toss her aside, or brag to everyone in town about what a great piece of tail she was. They were gentlemen. And they were asking for her time and company right now, nothing more. How could she say “no” to that?

  “All right. I’ll give you the two weeks, or however long it takes before my grandfather and his troops take you away from me. I can’t walk away from you two, either. I only wish I didn’t have to work. I don’t want to waste a second of our time together in that silly bar.”

  “Ask your uncle for a vacation.”’

  She didn’t mean to laugh, and felt bad that she had when Austin frowned. “I’m sorry, Sir. I’m not laughing at you.”

  “Are you sure you want to call us that?”

  “Yes. You’ve earned it. At least as far as I’m concerned you have. May I still call you both by that title, for whatever time we have left together?” She wanted to. They hadn’t done anything to bring this about. This wasn’t their fault.

  “We would love that,” said Galatyn. “But why were you laughing?”

  “At the idea that my uncle w
ould give me a vacation. I’ve never had one.”

  Both men frowned now. “That’s ridiculous,” said Austin. “I’ll speak to him this morning. What time does he get up?”

  “Noon. Maybe.”

  “Then I’ll wait.”

  Galatyn stifled a yawn. “I’m afraid all this has thrown me off schedule. All I want to do right now is crawl back into bed.” He gazed at her with lust in his dark eyes, and Nadine was shocked at the arousal suddenly coursing through her body. “And then once I’ve had some rest, I think we should let Nadine decide what the three of us will do today.”

  “That’s a wonderful idea,” said Austin, rising. He took her hand and practically pulled her out of her chair. “Let’s go get some more sleep so we can then spend the day with Nadine.”

  She wasn’t tired now, but if they were, she’d gladly lie down next to them again and wait for them to wake up. “I'm supposed to work tonight.”

  “I told you I’d take care of that.” Austin surprised her by pulling her close. He stroked her hair, and she shivered again as a thrill ran up and down her spine. “Thank you. Thank you for agreeing to this. It means so much to us.”

  “Thank you for asking me, Sir.”

  As they went back upstairs and Nadine curled up against Austin’s warm body, with Galatyn’s arm thrown across her back from behind, she wondered how she’d be able to say goodbye to them when the time came to do so. Was she making a huge mistake in doing this? She didn’t know. She only knew that right now, she didn’t want to be anywhere else.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nadine woke up and glanced around, but neither Austin nor Galatyn were in the room with her. The house was quiet, and this time she didn’t smell coffee. When she glanced at the clock on Austin’s nightstand she jumped out of bed. How had she slept until eleven? Had they talked to her uncle? Where were they?

  She’d fallen asleep in her clothes and they were beyond rumpled now. She needed to go home, take a shower, and put on fresh ones before she did anything with Galatyn and Austin today. She grabbed her bag and went downstairs, but they weren’t there. When she walked into the kitchen, she found a note on the table, held down by the vase from her living room containing the roses they’d given her last night.

  She dropped into the nearest chair to read the note, amazed by these two leopards. What had they done? Woken her uncle and demanded to be let into her apartment? She smiled as she imagined the look on Uncle Joaquin’s face at them doing that.

  Nadine, we brought your roses here. Hope that was all right. Your uncle said you’re on a two-week vacation beginning today. Oh, and he gave us a key to your apartment, so we’ve gone back to bring clothes and girl things over here for you so that you can stay here with us. You can have your own room. No assumptions are being made. We’ll be back shortly. Make yourself at home. Austin and Galatyn.

  She giggled at the term “girl things” as she read the note a second time, then she fingered the roses. They’d driven to Colorado to buy these for her. And now they were going out of their way to make sure she didn’t have to work for a couple of weeks and could be there with them all the time, without asking for sex or play in return.

  Those weren’t the actions of men who were only using her or who intended to purposefully break her heart. Nadine might not be as experienced as them, or have had sex with as many men as Kirsten had, but she knew this wasn’t a game they were playing. They were trying to make the little time they had together as special for her as possible, and that realization sent a thrill through her.

  She went upstairs and peeked into the third bedroom. It was pretty, and had obviously been decorated for a female. Drake and Emme had thought of everything when they’d set this house up for guests. She found hair and skin care products, as well as plenty of fresh towels and linens. She might as well take that shower now, and then when they returned, she could put on clean clothes and spend the day with them.

  She peeled off her skirt and sweater, inhaling scents that reminded her of the night before. Did she really want to spend the next two weeks or more without making love to them again? No way. She had to have them. They were like a drug to her now. But were they going to wait until she brought up the subject, or would they approach her? There was so much she didn’t understand, and she didn’t want to make a fool of herself.

  Nadine stepped under the warm water and let it wash away her earlier cares and worries. She had no idea what was going to happen, but she resolved, right then and there, to enjoy every second of time she had with her two sexy leopards. She’d just finished rinsing off the shampoo from her hair and the soap from her body when she heard noises. They were probably back with her clothes. Would they come in here when they heard the shower running? Part of her hoped they would.

  “Nadine?” Galatyn’s voice sounded as though he were standing on the other side of the bathroom door. She hadn’t closed it completely. Would he step inside?

  “I’m in the shower. I’ll be right out.”

  Nothing but silence. Were they debating? She smiled as she imagined them trying to decide what to do. She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. The door was still ajar, but she didn’t see them in the room. Feeling bolder than she had last night, she opened it and then frowned. They weren’t there, but piles of clothes and personal items had been left on the bed.

  They’d been serious about not assuming anything and that made her sad. But as soon as that thought entered her head, she realized how silly she was being. That didn’t mean they were rejecting her. It only meant they weren’t going to push the issue. They were going to let her decide. They truly were gentlemen.

  She returned to the bathroom and toweled off, then found her hairbrush among the items they’d brought over and untangled the mess her hair had become overnight. She should be grateful that they hadn’t joined her in the shower. It showed that they’d keep their word. But that also meant she’d have to broach the subject of having sex with them again. She had no idea how to do that. Maybe she should ask advice from Kirsten or Teddi?

  Nadine put on jeans and a sweater, and then rearranged the items the men had brought into some semblance of organization. They’d brought just about everything she’d have chosen herself. The rest she could retrieve at another time. There was no telling how long she’d be here. Just as she’d selected earrings to match her outfit, she heard footfalls on the stairs.

  They walked in, and it was obvious they’d both taken showers and changed their clothes as well because their hair was still damp and they smelled fresh. They must have done that recently, and the image of each of them in the shower made her pussy wet. Her earlier resolve came back to her. She was going to enjoy her time with them, no matter what. “Thank you for this. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Our pleasure,” said Galatyn, not even attempting to conceal his gaze as it roamed slowly over her. “What would you like to do today? You must be hungry. Have you eaten anything yet?”

  She shook her head. She hadn’t even thought about food, but now that he’d mentioned it, her stomach growled.

  “I have an idea,” said Austin. “Have you been to Vernal?”

  She smiled. “I’ve never been out of this village.”

  “You’re kidding…”

  “I’m afraid not.”

  “Then it’s settled. We’re going. There’s a restaurant there called Winger’s Roadhouse Grill and they have the best burgers I’ve ever tasted outside of Arizona.”

  “I didn’t realize Arizona was famous for its burgers.”

  “That’s because you’ve never been there.” He winked, and she shivered at the lust coursing through her body. This was going to be all right, after all.

  * * * *

  Nadine had never been out among so many humans at once before. A few lived in Jargonian village and from time they’d had one visit, but this was the most she’d encountered at one time. Why hadn’t her mother ever sought out her own kind? She could smell it on them, and memo
ries of her mother kept trying to surface, but she pushed them aside.

  She watched them, looking for subtle signs of difference between the species, but apart from the scent, there weren’t many outward signs. Why had her mother been so freaked out by shifters? Did they smell different to humans? No one seemed to be looking at the three of them oddly. Could they tell something was different? How she wished there was someone she could ask about all of this.

  They settled into a corner booth and ordered drinks and an appetizer of wings. Austin told her she had to taste the atomic buffalo sauce. The men had ID like humans, identifying them as over twenty-one years of age, but Nadine didn’t so she merely asked for water. The men told her she could sneak sips of their beers if she wanted, but she declined. She wanted her mind as clear as possible today so she could savor every second of this.

  The sauce proved to be as delicious and as hot as Austin said it would be, and she tried to identify the flavors in it so she could suggest serving it at The Lair to her uncle. On weekends he served finger foods like chicken wings, but his sauce was bland compared to this.

  “I definitely taste habañero pepper in it,” said Galatyn.

  “He can do that,” said Austin. “Taste a sauce and tell you what’s in it.”

  “That’s amazing.” She took a sip of her water and glanced around the restaurant again. “This is nice. I like it. Much homier than The Lair.”

  “Your uncle’s bar needs some updating, that’s all.”

  Their food arrived, and Nadine cut her burger in half because it was so large. It smelled divine and she couldn’t wait to taste it. After they’d each tasted their burgers and Nadine declared hers as good as Austin had promised it would be, Galatyn leaned forward. “Do you know what I’d do if The Lair were mine?”

  “Tell me.” Nadine put down her burger and rested her chin in her hands as she watched his face. He talked excitedly about lighting, flooring, wallpaper, and bar stools. By the time she picked up her food again it was cool, but she didn’t mind. What was Galatyn doing working as a cop? She hadn’t heard that much passion from half the men who worked for her grandfather as they talked about hunting down League members.


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