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Dominated by Two Leopards [The Alpha Legend 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 10

  “You should buy the bar from Joaquin.” Austin popped an onion ring into his mouth and glanced around. “A place like this would clean up in Jargonian village.”

  “He’d sell it in a heartbeat.” Nadine’s pulse raced. They wouldn’t do it, of course, but just the thought of something to tempt them to stay was enough to cause hope to build. “Every day he says he wishes he’d never bought it.”

  “How long has he owned it?” asked Austin.

  “I don’t even know. Since he was around my age, I think. My grandfather would know.”

  “What would he do, then? Retire? He can’t be more than ten or fifteen years older than we are.”

  “He’s not. He’s only forty-eight. And I don’t know what he would do, but he’s lousy at running The Lair. The only reason it does any business at all is because there’s no competition. No one would do that to him. They feel sorry for him. I’ve heard my grandfather talk to others about him. My father was the son he was proud of, but not my uncle. He’s the screw up. Grandfather said that to me just this morning when I went out on the porch with him.”

  “It’s something to think about, cousin.” Austin popped two more onion rings into his mouth.

  Nadine finished her food, trying not to let the idea take shape. Most likely they were just making conversation. They had jobs in Arizona, after all. “This is nice. Thank you for bringing me here.”

  Austin gave her a thoughtful look. “Why didn’t your mother take you anywhere? I mean to be among her own kind?”

  Nadine shrugged. “My father was gone a lot, working for my grandfather, and I never really asked. I didn’t know people went to other towns just to have lunch or go shopping.”

  “It’s a cute little town. There are a couple of museums up the road, if you’d be interested in something like that.”

  She resisted the urge to clap her hands. “I would love that.”

  * * * *

  As Galatyn walked with Austin and Nadine through the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Memorial Museum, he exchanged amused glances with his cousin each time Nadine stopped to read a placard and examine an exhibit. She was fascinated by the most mundane things, from the doll and china collection on the second floor to the clock exhibit on the third floor.

  When they went to the basement, he and Austin showed off by explaining behind-the-scenes tidbits for some of the items in the military display. But once they visited the clothing room, she put them both to shame with her knowledge. “My mother taught me all this before she left. She grew up making her own clothes.”

  Galatyn’s heart gave a small lurch at the tone in her voice, and he pulled her close for a moment, not caring that there were other people around. He caught Austin’s eye, and wondered whether he was thinking the same thing. How were they going to leave Nadine behind?

  Ever since Austin’s quip at the restaurant about buying The Lair from Joaquin, Galatyn hadn’t been able to get the idea out of his mind. They could do it. They certainly had the capital to update the bar and make needed improvements. It would be a fun business to own, and it would keep them in Utah. It would keep them in Jargonian village.

  By the time they toured two more museums—the Western Heritage Museum and the Utah Field House of Natural History State Park Museum—the idea of owning The Lair was more than a thought clanging around Galatyn’s brain. It was a full-blown grand plan to stay close to Nadine. But would he ever have the chance to make it a reality? And what would happen if it was no more of a reality than becoming President of the United States was to a shape-shifter? They’d leave for home one day, and leave Nadine behind.

  By the time they drove back to Jargonian village, Galatyn knew with absolute certainty that he’d never be able to do that. He simply would not be capable of saying goodbye to her forever. But he also had no idea how he was going to avoid it.

  Chapter Twelve

  That night and for the next two nights, Nadine slept in the frilly bedroom on her own, and Austin and Galatyn each slept in their own rooms. She had a lot of trouble falling asleep knowing they were just across the hall, and she woke up several times each night to tiptoe out into the hallway and listen at their doors. What harm would it do? All she had to do was walk in and climb into bed with one of them. They were men. Surely they wouldn’t refuse her.

  They hadn’t even kissed her, other than quick pecks on the cheek at bedtime. But she noticed the longing, lustful looks they each gave her when she caught them, just before they reined in the emotion. And she hadn’t missed the way Austin steered the conversation toward sexual jokes Friday evening as they sat in The Lair with Valerie, Stephen and Micah, drinking beer and laughing loudly at everything.

  Kirsten was working, and she shot daggers at Nadine each time their eyes met, but Nadine didn’t care. Kirsten had been taking off shifts over bullshit reasons for years now, and each time Nadine had had to pick up her slack. It was about time she had a chance to enjoy herself for a change. Her uncle was polite to the three of them, but it was obvious he wasn’t happy about the situation. That didn’t bother Nadine, either. He certainly wouldn’t fire her, and he really had no say-so in what she did with her free time.

  Micah asked them why they hadn’t been back to the dungeon all week, and Austin had merely said they were taking a break before playing in public again. Micah nodded, and then launched into a story about how it had taken them a long time to ease Valerie into playing in public, and how different it was from doing so in private.

  If Micah, Stephen, or Valerie had suspected anything was brewing underneath the surface, they didn’t show it. Surely Micah and his brother knew what was going on with Gary and his jaguars. They were part of them, although they didn’t work out in the field, either. Would they do so now? Would they also leave Valerie behind and join the fight, when the time came?

  But of course, their situation was different. Valerie was a collared sub and mate to both Micah and Stephen. They’d come back home to her when all this was over. Valerie would bear them cubs one day. Her future was secure. Nadine’s future with Austin and Galatyn was anything but firm or set.

  On Saturday afternoon, three days after their trip to Vernal, the men walked through the village square with Nadine and she introduced them to everyone who hadn’t yet met them. They looked at every craft booth that was set up, and Austin bought her a pair of earrings that he said matched her eyes. They were jade, and Nadine had had her eye on them for a long time, but had never been able to afford them. As he took out the ones she had in and put in the new ones, she gazed into his dark eyes and was overcome with emotion.

  Why couldn’t he and Galatyn be her mates and Doms, like Micah and Stephen were to Valerie? They were different species, and she could never bear them children, but that wouldn’t be a deterrent for her. Was it for them? She’d never asked them, but really how could she bring up such a subject?

  Austin led her over to the bakery so she could admire the earrings in the shop window. It wasn’t as clear a reflection as she’d get looking into a mirror, but it was enough to tell her that they were beautiful earrings. His face reflected in the window beamed with pride, and without thinking twice about what she was doing, she turned around and kissed him.

  He didn’t even hesitate. He pulled her into a rough embrace and tangled his fingers in her hair, pulled her mouth even closer to his. His lips and tongue moved over hers with expert precision, and if they hadn’t been in the middle of the village square, she’d have grabbed his ass and then reached around to rub her hands along his rock hard bulge. When he released her mouth, his eyes blazed with lust and desperation. “I can’t take this anymore,” he said softly. “I need to make love to you again.”

  Galatyn was at her side, stroking her arm. “Me, too.” His voice was rough and deep, as though he had something stuck in his throat. “This is torture.”

  “It is for me as well,” she whispered. “I just didn’t know how to tell you both that.”

  Galatyn grabbed her hand. “Then le
t’s go home and put an end to this nonsense.”

  She ignored the curious and humorous stares from neighbors as she took Austin’s hand as well, and the three practically ran the two blocks to the house they now shared. Once inside, she dropped her packages on the floor, shed her gloves and coat, and kicked off her boots. Austin barely had his coat, gloves, and boots off before he picked her up and carried her toward the staircase while gazing down at her with raw desire.

  Nadine moaned softly at the look on his face. She wanted him so badly. She wanted them both. Galatyn followed them to his room where Austin laid her on the bed and then crawled on top of her, pinning her body with his. She groaned loudly and wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling him close and kissing like him she’d never be able to again.

  Galatyn was somewhere in the room, pulling things out of a drawer, but she only half paid attention until he crawled onto the bed, next to her, and he was naked. How had he done that so quickly?

  Austin moved off her and Galatyn took his place, kissing her like he’d never kissed her before. She ran her hands through his thick hair, down his muscled back, and over his tight ass. She grasped his arms, loving the way his muscles tensed underneath her fingers. She devoured his mouth, wishing she could just stay here in this house with both of them for the rest of her life.

  When he released her mouth, he trailed a line of liquid fire with his tongue across her neck and into the cleavage of her sweater. Nadine moaned as he teased her nipples through the fabric. Austin was naked now, as well, and Nadine’s eyes widened when she saw what he held in his hands.

  “Will you try it?” he asked softly.

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  He asked her to sit up. “It’s hard to swallow with one of these in, so I don’t want you lying on your back.” He held up a red tennis ball. “You’ll hold this in your right hand and drop it for a safeword. Any safeword. We will stop immediately and take out the ball gag. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Nadine trembled as he fit the plastic ball into her mouth. She was a little bit afraid, but at the same time she knew she could trust them both. They wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

  “It has holes in it to help with breathing through your mouth. That’s usually more comfortable than to try and breathe through your nose since a ball gag holds your mouth open, and that makes it almost impossible to breathe through your nose anyway.” She nodded. He adjusted the leather strap around her head and pushed her hair aside so it wasn’t too close to her mouth. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded again. It felt kind of weird but not at all frightening as she’d imagined it might. Austin handed her the tennis ball then helped her stand. He led her to the edge of the bed while Galatyn placed a fur-lined wedge on the comforter. “We’re going to have you bend over this. It will support your body weight. We’re not going to restrain your arms today but we will restrain your ankles with a spreader bar.”

  She nodded again, not knowing how else to show her understanding and consent. Austin brushed a finger along her face and Nadine tried to smile, but of course she couldn’t. “I am so proud of you right now.”

  Galatyn stepped in front of her and kissed her tenderly on the forehead. “I am, too. You’re fearless, and that’s so exciting.”

  She blinked a few times, hoping she wouldn't cry because she didn’t want them to assume she was afraid. Galatyn removed her sweater and bra, and then he gazed at her breasts as if they were treasures he’d just found. She watched his face, and then her gaze traveled down his muscled body to his cock. How she wished she could taste it.

  But this was fun, too, and if it made them happy, she’d gladly let them keep this in her mouth as long as they wanted to. It didn’t hurt, and she already felt that same sense of total surrender that she’d experienced in the dungeon days ago. She wanted that back. All of it. She wanted to please them and give her entire body to them this time.

  Austin took off her jeans while Galatyn held onto her shoulders so she wouldn’t fall, even though her hands were free. She let him. To submit like this and let them undress her sent shivers up and down her spine. When she was completely naked, they positioned her over the wedge and Nadine simply relaxed into it, ready for whatever they were about to do.

  When Galatyn slipped on the blindfold, Nadine moaned. The sound came out wet, and she imagined that was because she had a mouthful of spit. Some of it had started to dribble down her chin. Was that supposed to happen?

  “Are you green?” Galatyn’s voice was in her ear, soft and sexy.

  She nodded, but then she pointed toward her chin.

  “Don’t worry about that.” He must have seen the saliva on her skin. “That’s going to happen. If you need a break from the ball gag just drop the tennis ball. Nod if you understand and agree.”

  She did, and then he moved away. She tried to listen to what they were doing but gave up after a few seconds. It didn’t matter. She only wanted to slip away into that same peaceful state she’d been in the other night. Whatever they wanted to do to her, she’d gladly accept it, just to be with them.

  Hands caressed her ass cheeks, the backs of her legs, and her breasts from underneath. She felt one of them spread her legs shoulder-width apart, then slip soft leather around each ankle. That must be the spreader bar that Austin had mentioned. She knew what it looked like because she’d seen them used in the dungeon.

  “Your marks are gone,” said Austin, massaging her ass cheeks. “We’ll have to do something about that. But first, we have another new experience for you.”

  She tensed, wondering what it was, and then made a sound of surprise as one of them pushed a warm, wet finger deep into her asshole. He moved it around, as if stretching the walls, and then he withdrew it. The next item that he slid inside felt like a piece of hard leather, and it filled her completely.

  “This is a butt plug,” said Galatyn. “You should get used to it in a few seconds. Are you all right? Nod if you are.”

  She nodded. The fullness felt odd at first, but then just as he’d said, once she grew used to it, she enjoyed the feeling. It was like having a couple of fingers inside, only they weren’t moving. It didn’t sting, and she wondered if they’d done this to prepare her for later, when they’d fuck her in the ass with their cocks. She hoped so, because she desperately wanted to know what that felt like.

  Someone smacked her ass cheeks, hard, but it wasn’t with his hands. Or, it might have been, but he was wearing thick leather gloves. He delivered five hard blows to each cheek, alternating, and Nadine moaned while she squeezed the tennis ball with one hand. With the other she grabbed a fistful of the comforter.

  The stinging was exquisite because with each strike, her clit throbbed and her pussy grew wetter. When one of them licked her pussy from behind, Nadine shook her head back and forth and whimpered. She was already close to an orgasm.

  “You deserve this.” Austin’s voice had taken on that deep, commanding quality she’d heard in the dungeon, and she shivered at the tone. “You’ve been very bad this week. First with that display Wednesday morning, and then by kissing me in public this afternoon.”

  She knew he was teasing, but it only added to her arousal, and she loved it. She couldn’t very well voice her protest, at any rate, so she willed him to continue listing her transgressions, real or imagined.

  “I couldn’t sleep, knowing you were in your room, just across the hall. I wanted to slip into bed with you and fuck you all night.”

  Bare hands moved underneath her breasts to caress them, and then he rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, sending electric shocks straight to her clit. Behind her, the other man struck her ass cheeks with what felt like a long wooden paddle. She cried out, although that sound, too, came out strangled. This pain was different in quality, but no less arousing.

  “And this is for making us wait three days to see you naked,” said Galatyn. Now she knew who was paddling her. It hurt like crazy, and Nadine bit down
on the ball gag which helped a lot. She squeezed the tennis ball hard, too, as sweat collected at her hairline and underneath her breasts.

  “I couldn’t sleep, either. I kept waiting for you to come into my room, but you didn’t. You’ve been such a little tease all week.” Her ass cheeks were on fire, but her pussy was so wet that she was certain their cocks would slide inside without any resistance.

  She wanted them to fuck her so badly it was ridiculous. She moaned and whimpered, willing them to do so as the paddling switched to a flogger with thin falls. Her whimpers became cries as the thudding sensation switched to a biting one. She squirmed on the wedge, but because of the spreader bar she couldn’t really move much.

  Austin’s voice whispered in her left ear, deep and rough. “Are you still green? Nod if you are.”

  She nodded, even though the pain tonight was more intense than anything they’d done to her in the dungeon. She heard condom wrappers, and then one of them was fucking her pussy from behind, deep and slow, while hands caressed her breasts. She moaned deep in her throat, hoping the impact play wasn’t over for the night and they were merely teasing her.

  When someone reached underneath her and stroked her clit, she came in a blinding explosion of colored lights, followed by wave after wave of intense passion. He pulled out, and then the other man was fucking her in the same lazy, delicious way.

  “Did we give you permission to come?” Austin’s voice was teasing but firm, and she moaned again.

  He smacked each ass cheek, hard, with what she now knew must be leather gloves. “I asked you a question.”

  She shook her head as shivers ran up and down her spine. The anticipation of how they were going to deal with her latest transgression was enough to drive her wild with desire.


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