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Taming Her Racy Ways [Racy Nights 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 3

  Marisol was grateful that Rafe’s parents and siblings were all right, but suddenly she realized that if she went inside with him, this would be the first time she’d come face-to-face with his parents since she was fourteen. She couldn’t do it. Especially not tonight.

  “Rafe, I’ll wait in the truck.”

  “What?” He pulled into the driveway and turned off the ignition. “Why?”

  “They won’t want to see me with you.”

  “Nonsense. They won’t be thinking about that right now.”

  So he knew what she’d meant. That must mean it was on his mind, too. Marisol wasn’t sure if that was good or bad, but he was probably right. Tonight they’d be trying to reach their children, not thinking about something that happened eighteen years ago.

  Chapter Three

  Marisol watched Maria, Rafe’s mother, run out of the house and embrace her eldest son. It was obvious she’d been crying. They had a quick conversation in Spanish, with much gesturing from Rafe. He was trying to explain that she couldn’t reach Luke or Ria because of the cell phone lines being jammed, but all she wanted to hear was that Ria and Luke were fine.

  “What about Magdalena? I keep calling but nothing.” Another sister, who went by Maggie, lived closer to Tye Me Up.

  “Mamá, the phone lines are jammed. I’m sure she’s fine. I’ll keep trying.” As Maria began to speak again, both Marisol’s and Rafe’s cell phones rang.

  Rafe’s call was from Luke, and Marisol’s was from her mother, Alicia. While Marisol assured her mother that she was all right and found out in turn that their home had not been struck, she half-listened to Rafe tell his brother that all was well at home. When they both ended their calls, Maria asked them to come inside, but Rafe told his mother he’d promised to take Marisol home.

  Maria gave her son a sharp look but said nothing about his comment. She asked him if he was coming back home afterwards, but his answer was noncommittal. Marisol climbed into his truck, wondering why he’d been so vague with his mother. Was he planning on going downtown again?

  “Luke said that Ellis McCree is already on the scene, and when he saw how many apartments on Market Street had been damaged, he offered to let the families stay in his house until they can find a new place to live, or the structure is rebuilt.”

  “You’re kidding.” Ellis was the building inspector in Racy.

  Rafe shook his head. “And that’s not all. When Ellis called Maddox and told him how extensive the damage was, he offered his house as well. Apparently there are close to thirty families in Racy that are now homeless, at least until they can make arrangements with other family members.”

  “Maddox and Ellis McCree are doing this?”

  Rafe nodded. “Yep.”

  Ellis and Maddox were cousins, and easily the two wealthiest men in town. Maddox’s father Randy and Ellis’s father Russ were two of Skeeter’s sons. Skeeter once owned most of the land that was now Lawnview Drive and the water treatment plant. Now, his farm was still large, but he lived in a small house on the property that he’d refused to let his two sons tear down and rebuild. He didn’t do much farming anymore, and developers were constantly trying to buy the remainder of his land.

  Randy had made a lot of money in the dot-com era, but speculation ran high about how Russ had made his money. There had always been rumors of mob connections in Chicago. Maddox lived in what could only be called a mansion on the outskirts of town, and most people knew he ran a very private and exclusive BDSM club in the house. He and Sean were now Doms to Julie Carruthers, one of the town’s psychologists.

  Ellis lived down the street from Maddox in an equally impressive home, but outside of his work duties he rarely left his house. His life was a mystery to most residents of Racy, and because of that image the local kids loved to believe his home was haunted. Like Maddox’s house, woods, fencing and an electronic gate isolated and protected Ellis’s property.

  “I guess they figure with all those rooms in their homes, this is one way they can help,” she said.

  “Guess so.” Rafe pulled into her driveway and then followed her inside.

  Now that the initial shock had passed and Marisol knew everyone was okay, she felt self-conscious standing in her town house with Rafe, especially after she’d begged him not to leave her tonight. Clearly his parents were expecting him to come right back home.

  “Thank you again, Rafe. I’m so glad your family is okay.”

  “I’m glad yours is, too. Will you be okay now?”

  “Sure, sure. You know, I didn’t even think to walk down Main Street. I don’t know if the Court House and City Hall were hit.”

  “We’ll hear if they were. You might have to work in a warehouse or something for a while.”

  “Yeah. Or maybe Ellis can set up a temporary courthouse in his servants’ quarters?”

  Rafe chuckled.

  “Oh…Rafe, you didn’t check on the garage.”

  “I will, Marisol. Don’t worry, okay?”

  “Okay.” The silence between them was so awkward that Marisol almost started crying again. She needed to process everything that had happened tonight, but she didn’t want to do it alone. She wanted Rafe to stay. “Rafe, thank you for telling me earlier that you were just as afraid as I was. It meant a lot to me that you didn’t dismiss my fear.”

  The look he gave her was so intense that she became confused. Had it been a mistake to say anything? She was so unsure about everything right now. Nothing she did or said seemed to make sense.

  He brushed a lock of hair out of her face, and Marisol drew in a sharp breath at his touch. “Is that what you think I meant?” he asked quietly. “That I was afraid of the storm?”

  “Um…yes.” What else could he have meant?

  “You’d better try and get some sleep, Marisol.”

  “Rafe, what did you mean then? Please tell me. What were you afraid of?”

  He sighed and took a step back. “You aren’t making this very easy.”

  “I’m not trying to make it anything. I’m simply trying to find out what you meant by that comment.”

  The struggle on his face was so painful that it made her uncomfortable. What the hell was going on? “I wasn’t afraid of the storm, Marisol. I was fighting with every ounce of self-control I had.” His voice was so soft, but deep and exotic. It was easy to imagine they were lying in bed right now, gazing into each other’s eyes just before making love.

  “I don’t understand,” she whispered, even though she understood perfectly. What she really meant was that she was afraid to believe what he was saying was real.

  “Holding you in the dark like that…so close. All I wanted to do was kiss you.”

  “Maybe you should do it now.” The second it was out of her mouth, she wished she hadn’t said it. This was all in his hands. In about ten seconds she’d either feel like the biggest chump on the planet, or her eighteen-years-long fantasy would finally come true.

  He stared at her for so long without answering or moving that Marisol finally turned toward the door, intending to open it for him so that he could leave and she could drown her despair in sleep. As she moved, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  She moaned loudly against his full, warm lips as every fantasy she’d ever had about this man, and every moment of their four months together came rushing back at her. There might as well have been a second tornado inside her town house, concentrated just on the two of them. All the elements were there. The freight train sound, the howling wind, and the dizzying whirlwind of chaos and confusion.

  But one additional sensation hung over this storm that made it sweet, erotic, and sexy. Marisol was more aroused than she’d ever been, and she melted into Rafe’s strong embrace, never wanting to leave it. Her mind filled with decadent images, fueled by countless dreams over the years.

  She parted her lips to let his tongue inside, and she moaned again as it moved over hers with familiar precision, sending waves of tiny contractions to h
er soaked pussy and jolts of electricity to her nipples. Wanton desire filled her body as she clung to him, pushing closer toward his hard, muscled body. His jeans couldn’t mask the erection, huge and rock hard. She wanted that dick inside her, filling every hole until she was so used up she simply couldn’t move.

  Their parents had been convinced the two had had sex when Marisol was a girl of fourteen, but the truth was that they’d gone no further than what they were doing right now—hot, passionate kisses. And once, Rafe had cupped her left breast and then apologized, pretending it had been an accident. She’d let him because the sensation had been so incredible that she’d wanted more.

  She wanted more now. She wanted everything she’d been denied for eighteen years. She wanted to make up for all their lost years together in one crazy, erotic night. When Rafe released the kiss and nuzzled her neck, Marisol moved her hands down his back. Her breath caught in her throat as his muscles rippled beneath her fingertips. She’d never seen him naked. He must be gorgeous, and she wanted to find out.

  “Mi tesoro…we cannot do this.”

  My treasure. He’d always called her that when they were dating. She pulled out of his arms and looked into his beautiful black eyes. “Yes, Rafe, we can. We’re not kids anymore.”

  He brushed his fingers over her face, and she caught them in one hand and kissed each fingertip. He groaned softly, and the sound fueled her arousal.

  “Rafe, you want me as much as I want you. How can you deny it?”

  “I’m not denying it, Marisol. But how can you want me after what I said to you?”


  “When we walked along the river that day.” His face was full of pain, and suddenly understanding dawned. He thought she was still upset about what he’d called her.

  “Rafe, I forgave you for that the second you said it. I know you were only trying to obey your parents, and there was no other way for us to end it unless you pretended to be cruel to me. I knew you didn’t mean it.”

  He stared at her with incredulity. His mouth actually hung open, and she had to bite back the sudden laugh that threatened. “You’re not upset with me?”

  She shook her head and moved back into his arms. “No. I’m not. I’ve never been.”

  “I didn’t know. Marisol, I didn’t know.”

  It didn’t matter. How could she make him see that? None of that mattered right now. “Rafe, please…please stay with me tonight. Make love to me.”

  He kissed her again, this time with a depth and passion she’d never known. It was slow and torturous, but Marisol savored each moment. Her body was on fire for his touch, but clearly Rafe was setting the pace tonight, and he was determined to take his time with her.

  She shivered when he tangled his fingers in her hair and gave it a slight tug. “I want all of you, Marisol. You have to understand that.”

  “I understand.” Anything. She’d give him anything right now. All he had to do was ask.

  He brushed his hands over her arms and back, holding her gaze the entire time. Eighteen years hadn’t dimmed the light in his eyes when he gazed at her with such passion. She remembered that look. It had haunted her fantasies for years. When he moved his hands to her breasts and cupped them, the look of pure bliss on his face nearly made her come. She moaned again and reached up to run her hands over his chest. He caught her wrists and licked the insides of them, forcing a loud cry from her throat.

  When he let go of them, he pulled off her sweater and then cupped her breasts again through her bra. Marisol wished she’d worn sexier underwear, but hours ago when she’d dressed for her usual Friday night out with Leela and Bonnie at Luke’s Bar, it had never entered her mind that tonight Rafe would see her bra and panties.

  He unhooked her bra and removed it, then tossed it aside and stepped back to gaze at her breasts. “Mi tesoro, you don’t know how many times I’ve pictured these in my mind.”

  She knew. It was the same amount of times she’d imagined him touching them, sucking them, and licking them. He pushed her back against the wall and then turned her around, rubbing his erection against her jeans and reaching under to grab her breasts. The gesture was so dominant that Marisol nearly came.

  “I want to fuck you against this wall,” he whispered, kneading her breasts with his strong hands. “I want to fuck you on the floor, and on every piece of furniture in here.” He twisted her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, sending shock waves straight to her wet pussy.


  When he unfastened her jeans and slid them down her thighs, Marisol fought to keep breathing as he lifted one boot then the other, sliding them painstakingly over each one. “I could just take off the boots, Rafe.”

  He smacked her ass so hard she yelped. “Not on your life, sexy chica. I love these boots. They’re staying on.”

  Marisol shivered. This wasn’t the high-school boy who’d kissed her like she was fine china and could break, or who’d apologized for sneaking a feel. Rafe was all grown up, and he knew what he was doing.

  He slid down her panties so slowly that Marisol began to squirm. She was on fire for his touch, and she couldn’t stand anymore. She was rewarded with him grabbing her around the waist to hold her still while he delivered five stinging blows to each ass cheek. She cried out loudly, more from the arousal flooding through her than from pain, although her ass cheeks did now burn.

  No man had ever spanked her. The very idea was so raw and delicious. She’d always wondered what it would be like, but no one she’d had sex with had been willing to try anything even a bit kinky.

  “Hold still,” he said, releasing her waist. “You have a beautiful body, Marisol, and I’ve waited too long to do this. We’re going to take our time.”

  She sighed and leaned against the wall while he continued to slide her panties down her thighs. As he did so, his tongue traced a line of fire from her ass cheeks down her left thigh, all the way to the top of her boot. He lifted her left leg and removed the panties, and she thought he was going to remove them from the other side, but instead he licked her right ass cheek, and then he slid his tongue down her right leg. Only then did he remove her panties.

  “You taste like heaven,” he said. “I’m going to lick every inch of your body.”

  Marisol couldn’t answer him. Her voice seemed to have disappeared. It was clear he was going to go slower than she’d ever experienced. He wasn’t a horny teenager anymore. He had more self-control than she would have believed possible of any human being.

  And he hadn’t been kidding about licking every square inch of her. He started with her neck, teasing the sensitive skin with soft kisses and fluttery flicks of his tongue. When he reached her upper back, he turned her around and held her wrists overhead with one large hand while he licked the front of her neck and her collarbones.

  Marisol began to whimper. When she squirmed again, he stopped and gazed at her with incredulity. “I told you to hold still. Do you want me to put you over my knee and spank that curvy ass of yours? You won’t like it, Marisol.”

  Actually, she would like it, and the temptation to tell him “yes” was strong.

  Chapter Four

  Oh my God…yes, she wanted him to do that. A fresh wave of wetness flooded her pussy as he spoke, and she wondered if she glanced down right now whether she’d see a wet spot on the carpet from her juices.

  “Well, do you?” he asked quietly. They stared into each other’s eyes for long moments.

  Marisol held her breath, and then finally she whispered, “Yes.”

  His grin was both triumphant and reverent. “Well, then. I’ll keep that in mind, mi tesoro.”

  Oh, what a brat he was! He’d only been teasing her to see how much he could get away with. He let go of her wrists and turned her around again, and any temporary indignation she’d felt at the way he’d just played her was lost as his tongue slid over her back and then slowly down to her ass cheeks.

  When he spread them and licked the o
pening to her anus, she cried out and rocked her hips backward, more as a reaction to the incredible pleasure flooding her body than anything else. No one had ever done that before. She had a sensation of melting into the hands holding her hips, and was certain if he let go of them her knees would buckle and she’d simply slide to the floor.

  “Spread your legs.” She couldn’t have refused him even if she’d wanted to. She moved them apart a few inches, and jumped when he smacked each ass cheek hard. “I said spread them, Marisol. Wide apart. I want to reach your pussy from behind.”

  “Oh God…” She moved her feet wider apart, and leaned against the wall for support as his tongue traced a line from her asshole to her soaking wet slit.

  “You taste incredible. Rock your hips back a bit more.”

  She did as he asked, and was rewarded with more licking, this time all the way up to her clit. Rafe kept up a slow movement with his tongue, back and forth, over her clit, her wet opening, and her anus, and then back again. Marisol whimpered and clung to the wall. Her palms were damp and her legs trembled. An orgasm was so close, poised right on the edge, and it hung there in midair ready to explode.

  When he finally stopped, he stood up and turned her around. “Put your arms at your side and keep them there or I won’t finish what I started, understood?”

  All she could do was nod. Speech was impossible. Coherent thought was gone. Rafe bent his head and began to lick and suck her nipples, taking turns, and moving more slowly than she thought possible. Surely time had been suspended and she was in some sort of dream state where the laws of physics didn’t apply. Either that or he could bend them.

  She struggled to keep her arms still while he tortured the side of each breast with his tongue. Finally he moved down her abdomen, but before he reached her pussy he started on her arms. Marisol cried out in frustration, and Rafe must have recognized that her loud groan wasn’t one of arousal, because he turned her around again, grabbed her around the waist as he’d done earlier, and smacked each ass cheek seven times.


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