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Dominated by Two Leopards [The Alpha Legend 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

  “Oh stars…you are so tight in there. I’m going to fuck you there next time. And Austin is going to fuck your pussy at the same time. Would you like that? Tell me the truth. You’d love it, wouldn’t you? I wish we could fill all three holes at once.”

  Nadine whimpered as wave after wave of desire crashed over her. The images racing through her head were more raw and erotic than any she’d ever had. What Galatyn had said sent her mind to places it hadn’t dared to go before, and she wanted it. She wanted one of them in her ass and one in her pussy at the same time.

  Austin grunted. “All three holes are filled.”

  “I mean with cocks.”

  “We can use toys.”

  Nadine moaned loudly at Austin’s words. Kirsten had a huge rubber dildo that she’d showed Nadine once. Is that what they meant? If that’s what they wanted to do, she’d let them. She’d let them do anything right now.

  Austin’s grunting became a steady stream of loud groans as his thrusting increased. His cock hit the back of her throat and she relaxed her muscles so that she wouldn’t gag. Galatyn fucked her pussy rough and deep now, but she loved it. His finger moved in and out of her ass with the same speed, and it felt so damn incredible that an unprecedented third orgasm began to build. Or was it her fourth? She had no fucking idea, and she didn’t care. She only knew that this was the most incredible thing she’d ever experienced, and she never wanted it to end.

  Austin came first, and her mouth was filled with hot, salty liquid. She tried to swallow all of it but some dribbled down her chin, and she hoped he wouldn't be upset by that. Galatyn pulled his finger out of her ass and held onto both hips with his hands as he groaned loudly and thrust in quick, jerky movements. She couldn’t feel his cum, of course, but she guessed he came inside the condom.

  Austin pulled out and lay next to her, on his back, one arm thrown over his face. “Thank you so much. That was so fucking amazing.”

  Galatyn pulled out and she heard him take off his condom. He helped her off the pillows and then he lay on his back and pulled her into his strong arms, stroking her hair and back. “How can we ever thank you for this?”

  “I should be the one thanking both of you, Sir.”

  Austin rolled over and stroked her hair and back. “No, sweetheart. Your gift was to us tonight, not the other way around. First your submission, and now your body.”

  “I loved it.” Had he really just called her “sweetheart”? “But you gave me a gift, too. Both of you. Your care and your respect. It showed. Thank you so much for that.”

  Austin kissed her tenderly on the upper back. “We wouldn’t have it any other way. I promise you that.”

  Nadine smiled into the darkness as she drifted off to sleep, in the arms of her two gorgeous, sexy, perfect leopards. She was truly a woman now, in every sense of the word, and she couldn’t wait to see what else these two had planned for her.

  Chapter Eight

  Galatyn sat up, trying to figure out where that annoying chirping sound was coming from. Were there birds in the house? What time was it? He glanced at a flashing light coming from the floor. His cell phone. It was on the carpet, next to his toy bag.

  He rolled off the bed, hoping he didn’t wake Nadine. As he scooped up the phone and answered it, Austin sat up and followed him silently into the hallway. “Yeah, what it is?”

  “I’ve been trying to call you or Austin for fifteen minutes.” Gary’s tone was annoyed and impatient, which wasn’t unusual for him.

  “We were sleeping.” Did the man ever rest?

  “You both need to hear this.”

  “Now? What time is it?”

  “It’s two in the morning.”

  He shook his head a few times. It wasn’t like him to be so foggy, even with little sleep. Nadine had knocked them both out. Nadine. Memories of last night came flooding back, making his dick jump to attention.

  “You still there? I have big news. Two of the leopards we caught in the Colorado village where Saffron Estampado lived have spilled their guts. I have a lot of info for both of you. I’m on my way over, now that you’re up.”

  Galatyn sighed, not caring that Gary wouldn’t miss it. “Can’t this wait until morning?”

  “I thought you two were helping us.” His voice was hard and cold, and Galatyn knew him well enough to know there was no arguing with him.

  “Come on over. We’ll be waiting.” Galatyn disconnected the call and went into his own room to find some clothes to put on. He didn’t need to convey to Austin what Gary had said. Austin had heard the call. Galatyn was sure this was the last thing either of them wanted to do right now. Their damn job and mission could wait a few more hours, surely. All he wanted to do was snuggle up next to Nadine again, and maybe wake her up for round two.

  His damn cock was rock hard by the time he threw on some sweat pants and a T-shirt. He padded downstairs barefooted and turned on the lights in the dining room. Gary would have everything printed out on paper already. As an afterthought, he grabbed his laptop and brought that into the room as well.

  Austin finally joined him, looking as tired and ragged as Galatyn felt. He sat down then rose again. “I should make coffee. I don't think we’ll be going back to sleep after we hear what Gary has to say.”

  “Good idea.” Austin started to leave the room, but Galatyn stopped him. “She’s okay, right? I mean with what we did? She did enjoy it, didn’t she? She wasn’t just saying all that?” He had no idea why he suddenly doubted Nadine’s words, but the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. All he really needed right now was reassurance that he’d heard the same words from her mouth and had glimpsed the same things in her eyes as Austin had.

  He almost smiled. “Yeah. She enjoyed it. A lot. And no, I don’t think we hurt her at all. I’m surprised with how much impact play she took.”

  “What about the sex? Did that surprise you? I’ve never made love to a virgin.”

  He knew Katarina had been one, and he also knew that Austin had never made love to another woman, before or after her death.

  “It surprised me, too, but we did arouse her quite a bit beforehand.” His jaw tilted forward and he narrowed his eyes. “You don’t think she was lying, do you? I mean about it being her first time?”

  Galatyn shook his head. “Oh no, not at all. That’s not what I meant.”

  “Then what did you mean?”

  Galatyn had no fucking idea, and he wasn’t even sure why he’d asked his cousin the question, or why he was suddenly so worried about what Nadine thought. Not that he wanted her hurt. Not at all. But he’d always been the one to never let them get under his skin like this. It was best to maintain his distance. He and Austin worked long, odd hours, and they might take off for another state at a moment’s notice. It wasn’t fair to any girl to ask her to sit and wait. And if you got close to people, they died. It was better not to do it, and then you couldn’t get hurt.

  “Well? What the fuck did you mean?”

  “Nothing.” He’d been so lost in unpleasant memories that he hadn’t realized Austin was still waiting for an answer. “I meant nothing by it.”

  “You sure?”

  Austin sounded more tired than angry, but Galatyn still didn’t appreciate his tone. He was saved from having to explain his convoluted thought processes when Gary knocked on the door. Austin went to answer it, and when he returned, Galatyn had their spreadsheet up on the laptop. Gary would want to see it anyway, so he might as well save a few seconds and open it now.

  “This is huge.” Gary sat next to Galatyn and dropped a thick manila folder onto the table. Galatyn forced back a grin as Gary opened it, and began to riffle through the papers, finally pulling out a map. He spread it out and glanced around for Austin. “Where did he go?”

  The smell of coffee reached their noses. “Oh. Good idea.” Gary pointed toward the map. “I still can’t believe we have this.”

  “What is it?”

  “Let’s wait for your cousin.”

/>   Austin came into the room, holding a mug of coffee. “Help yourselves. It’s in the kitchen.” Gary gave him a glance full of annoyance. Austin placed his mug on the table. “On second thought, I’ll get you both some. Be right back.”

  Galatyn watched Gary drum his fingers on the table and riffle through his papers one more time as they waited for Austin to return. What had the man expected? He’d come over in the middle of the night. When Austin finally returned, he placed a mug in front of Gary and one next to Galatyn’s right hand. “Okay. Now I can think. A little, anyway.” Austin peered over Gary’s shoulder and took a sip of coffee. “So, what’s so damn urgent that it couldn’t have waited until morning? And by morning I mean the sun has risen?”

  Gary frowned. “It’s not like you two to be so groggy or surly. I’ve talked to you both at all hours of the day and night. What’s the—” His eyes widened, and then they narrowed to almost dangerous proportions. Galatyn had never seen Gary’s face turn so red so quickly, only he didn't believe the sudden color in the man’s cheeks was from embarrassment. He cut his gaze toward the hallway. “Oh. I get it now. My granddaughter is still up there, isn’t she? In one of your beds.”

  Austin turned a chair around and straddled it backwards, leaning across the back. “She’s in mine, but we were both with her earlier.” He reached across the table and pulled the map over. “So what is this?”

  Galatyn watched Gary’s face carefully. Austin was about two seconds away from crossing the line, but he suspected his cousin knew that.

  “I told you not to hurt her.” Gary’s voice was soft, but even someone who didn’t know him well wouldn’t miss the note of danger in it.

  “We didn’t,” said Austin, his gaze still on the map.

  The air in the room changed slightly, as though a storm were brewing. Galatyn swore that Gary was about to shift into his jaguar form, right there in the dining room. Austin must have sensed it, too, because he finally made eye contact with Gary. His gaze was challenging, and Galatyn watched, fascinated, as the same change came over his cousin’s aura. Were both men really going to shift and fight it out, right here and now? This was ridiculous. He had to do something, and quickly.

  Galatyn rose. “I’m going to wake up Nadine and ask her to come down here. She should hear this, too.”

  That did it. Both men looked at him like he’d just said he was going to invite a League member over for dinner and a nice, long chat.

  “Are you out of your fucking mind?” Austin’s tone held a faint note of amusement, but Galatyn wasn’t sure Gary would catch that.

  “No, I’m not. But you obviously are. Now shut the fuck up about what we did with Nadine and listen to what Gary has to say. We may not technically work for him, but we’re here right now because of his trust. Do you want that to end? Is that what you’re trying to do? Get our asses kicked back to Arizona?”

  As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Galatyn realized they were true. Maybe not consciously, but that’s exactly what Austin had been trying to provoke. If they weren’t given a choice except to leave, anything that had started with Nadine last week as they’d both watched her in The Lair would end, here and now.

  Austin couldn’t get his heart tangled up with thoughts of her if he was in the next state. If Galatyn had had any doubt that his cousin felt the same way as he already did about Nadine, he didn’t now. He watched the emotions cross Austin’s face as clearly as if he’d voiced them out loud.

  “Fuck you.” Austin smoothed out the map, even though there was nothing wrong with its texture. “So what is this?”

  * * * *

  Austin’s fingers trembled as he smoothed out the paper. When Gary had asked if Nadine was still here, he’d seen red. Literally. He’d been so close to shifting that he was actually sweating now with the effort of holding it back. Fucking A. It was none of Gary’s damn business. They hadn’t done anything to hurt Nadine.

  What would Gary have said if he’d seen her a few hours ago, with one man’s dick in her mouth, another man’s cock in her pussy, and a finger up her ass? Or how about in the dungeon next door, taking one hell of a wicked flogging from both of them while cuffed to a spanking bench?

  She wasn’t a little girl anymore. She was a sexy, enchanting woman. And Austin would cut off an arm before he’d deliberately hurt her. The same went for Galatyn. They’d enjoyed her, and she’d enjoyed them. Why couldn’t that be enough? She was certainly entitled to some pleasure in her life after what she’d been through. Couldn’t Gary see that?

  “It’s a map pinpointing where each current League member resides.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Gary’s words and the tone of disbelief in Galatyn’s voice almost broke through the fog of anger that still enveloped Austin’s mind. Galatyn had hit the nail on the head with his questions about whether he was trying to get them sent back home, and Austin didn’t like it that he’d done so.

  If Gary told Drake to kick their asses permanently out of the village, they would never see Nadine again. And then Austin wouldn’t have to inhale her sweet scent, or look into those big green eyes. He wouldn’t have to see her golden hair spread out on a pillow, or watch the bliss on her face as she came. He wouldn’t have to hear that soft, breathy voice call him “Sir” or ask a question that he’d known the answer to for so long now he took it for granted.

  But she didn’t. Everything they’d done to her over the course of the past ten hours or so had been brand new to her. She’d discovered it at their hands, and had placed such complete and perfect trust in them that Austin still couldn’t wrap his brain around it. Why had she done that? How had she done that?

  It was too much. He didn’t deserve it. And especially not from someone who could never truly belong to him. They’d go back to Arizona one day, whether that was because Gary and Drake kicked them out of Utah, or because this mission would finally be over. And Austin wasn’t sure he could handle that. He hadn’t come close to feeling this way about anyone in five years, since Katarina’s death. He’d never really believed he would. Not until today, that is.

  “You still with us?”

  Gary’s question finally pulled Austin back to the present. He glanced at the map, then at Gary. “I’m here. So what the fuck is this again?”

  Gary snapped his fingers in front of Austin’s face, and Austin resisted the urge to bite them off. He respected Gary and what he and the jaguars did, but he was tired and needed to think right now. “I just told you. It’s a map pinpointing where each current League member resides.”

  “How is that even possible?”

  Gary actually smiled. He was obviously very proud of his troops right now. “Wendell Gauguin and his brother, Paul, made it for us. Or rather, they made it for my operatives in Colorado, who currently have the two in lockdown at a remote location. Seems the brothers haven’t been too keen on following in their ancestors’ footsteps, but were afraid to try and get out of the League because they kill anyone who does that once they find them. And they always find them.”

  “Who are they again? The Gauguin brothers?” The fog was nearly gone now.

  Gary sighed loudly. “I told you. They lived in the same village where we caught the Rosens and the others in October. Those two got away, but not for long. We caught up to them recently and they started talking. Now, we can’t get them to shut up.”

  “Bullshit. How do you know what they’re telling you isn’t some elaborate trap? Gary, have you sent your troops to all these places?” Austin stared at the dozens of tiny circles, spread out over half the country, from California to the Mississippi River. “Fuck. We're talking about fifty…sixty…even more ambushes. They’ll wipe out your forces.”

  “Calm down.” Gary might be twice his age, but when he spoke in that voice, even an experienced Dom like Austin listened. “Do you honestly think I’d let that happen? Do you think I’d send out my troops to these locations if I wasn’t one-hundred-percent certain this information was accurate, or
that we could trust its source?”

  Austin felt like a damn fool. Of course he wouldn’t let that happen. “No.”

  Gary pushed back from the table and ran his hands through his hair. He looked like shit. Had the man slept at all in the past few days? “Okay. Let me back up so you understand the whole story here. A lot of info came in last night. Harold Winetown has been found. His throat was slit, and he was left in the village square where Valerie Bellecote lived, with a note pinned to his chest. It said ‘Traitors beware.’ Four of my operatives have been in that village looking for information about the League, ever since Reynard’s execution.”

  Gary dug in the folder and pulled out a blood-stained piece of paper, then slapped it on the table. “Notice anything unusual about this paper?”

  Austin stared at it. “You mean other than the blood?”

  Galatyn narrowed his eyes then turned the paper over gingerly. “There’s a crest on the back. It’s a watermark.” Galatyn turned it sideways so the light reflected off it. “The Belle Meade Hotel? The same one that’s in Passion Peak?”

  Gary nodded. “One and the same. Whoever left this wasn’t too fucking careful, and he was probably in Colorado at some point.”

  “What was Winetown doing in New Mexico?” asked Austin.

  “The people in Reynard’s village don’t protect the League members. They feared Reynard and his brother, but once they found out they were part of the League, their fear turned to anger, and the stories came in faster than my troops could check them out.”

  Gary picked up the note. “Several villagers remembered Harold and Morris Kingston visiting Reynard and his family last summer. They were in a bar one night, talking about a skiing trip they’d taken the previous winter, and how they’d met up with leopards from a village near Steamboat Springs. ”

  Austin glanced up sharply. “You found Kingston?”