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Dominated by Two Leopards [The Alpha Legend 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

  The Alpha Legend 3

  Dominated by Two Leopards

  Jaguar shifter Nadine Richardson becomes a submissive to leopards and Doms, Austin and Galatyn Meliadus, who came to Jargonian village from Arizona to help her grandfather, Gary, in the quest to rid the shape-shifting world of the League of Exitium. She knows her time with them is limited, but she can’t help falling in love with both alphas.

  Austin and Galatyn Meliadus came to Jargonian village to help capture the man who murdered Simon Meliadus—Galatyn’s brother and Austin’s cousin. They stay to help Gary break the power of the League, but neither man counted on losing their hearts to Gary’s granddaughter, Nadine, in the process.

  Neither man wants to go out in the field again after Austin’s sub was killed five years earlier in the cross fire of a fight against League members, but working behind the scenes isn’t what Gary needs right now. But once the League is defeated, will they lose Nadine forever?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 45,021 words


  The Alpha Legend 3

  Tara Rose


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Tara Rose

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-146-2

  First E-book Publication: December 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers,

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Thank you to my readers for sticking with me during this series. I know it was a change of pace for me, and I’m truly grateful that you followed me. I had a lot of fun writing it.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  About the Author


  The Alpha Legend 3


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Nadine Richardson had been inside the Jargonian home before. Everyone who lived in this small village of jaguar shape-shifters, tucked into the foothills in northeast Utah, had been inside it at least once. The Jargonians owned most of the town. Drake Jargonian was both sheriff and judge, and his two youngest sons, Stephen and Micah, ran the only BDSM dungeon from the basement of this very home. Nadine had been to the dungeon, too, but so far only to watch and learn.

  But tonight, the party in the Jargonian home wasn’t about BDSM play. It was to welcome two leopard shifters, cousins Austin and Galatyn Meliadus, who had come from Arizona to help the jaguars capture Reynard Bellecote, Valerie’s father. They were planning on staying a while, so the entire village was anxious to meet them and welcome them properly.

  Nadine had heard this story repeated by practically everyone during the past week. Valerie was now a collared sub to Micah and Stephen, and her father had found a way to use dark magic on certain gemstones to travel without being seen. He’d killed a jaguar named Celestine from Valerie’s village for taking a leopard from Arizona as her mate. The leopard she’d taken as a mate was named Simon Meliadus, and he was Galatyn’s brother.

  After Valerie witnessed the murder, she ran in fear from her home in New Mexico and had been given shelter here, in this village. Austin and Galatyn had finally tracked Reynard to this village last week, and had assisted in his capture and execution.

  Even if she hadn’t heard this story several times at The Lair, the bar her uncle Joaquin owned and where she’d worked for the past six years, Nadine would have known at first glance that Austin and Galatyn were leopards and Doms. They both had dark hair and hazel eyes—more green than yellow—and they moved with the grace of easy confidence and command that made Nadine want to kneel in front of them and give them anything they asked for.

  The Lair was closed tonight so that Nadine and her cousin Kirsten, Joaquin’s daughter, could attend the party along with everyone else. Uncle Joaquin had made a cursory appearance earlier, stopping to talk to his father, Gary, who led the team of special forces that hunted down League of Exitium members around the country. Uncle Joaquin didn’t work for Nadine’s grandfather, but his twin brother Thomas had. Thomas, Nadine’s father, had died on one of those missions four years ago, and Joaquin still hadn’t forgiven Gary for that.

  But Nadine wasn’t paying attention to the underlying an
imosity between her uncle and grandfather tonight. She didn’t blame her grandfather for her father’s death. He’d been killed by a League member, but his teammates had then taken that member down. Without her grandfather’s jaguars, the League would overtake the shape-shifting world and bring about its destruction. She missed her father every day, but he had died honorably, defending their kind.

  Right now, she was watching her cousin, Kirsten, play slut as she usually did, and throw herself at every unattached man in the village, including Austin and Galatyn. Kirsten was only one year older, but she acted like she was much younger. At twenty-three, hardly “old” by anyone’s standards, she was desperate to find a man. Any man would do.

  She reveled in having most of them drooling over her, but they didn’t want anything permanent from her, which was what she sought. Nadine had tried talking some sense into her head, but there was little to begin with. Her uncle Joaquin had raised Kirsten alone, and had never really paid much attention to what she did. Managing The Lair was his entire life. Consequently, his daughter ran wild.

  Nadine walked over to the sidebar and poured herself a fresh drink. She normally nursed only one during any occasion such as this, but tonight she needed a second one. Kirsten was in full form tonight, having now turned her attention to both leopards. Nadine couldn’t help but smile at the men’s body language as Kirsten touched them and laughed too loudly, tossing her hair like it was on fire. They were trying to be polite, while at the same time looking for an out. At least they weren’t fools. That was good to know, since she seemed unable to take her gaze off either of them.

  Both were dressed in jeans, button-down shirts, and cowboy boots, as were most of the men at the party, but somehow they made the unassuming outfits look sexy. Was it the muscles they sported that the heavy fabric of their clothes couldn’t hide? Or merely their dark, forbidding auras? Nadine had met a few leopards in her lifetime, but they had all been female. How long were these two gorgeous men staying in their village? She already knew they were Doms, like Stephen and Micah. Did that mean they’d be playing in the dungeon one of these nights? Would she get to see them dressed in leather?

  Austin caught her eye, and leaned close to his cousin to whisper something. Either Kirsten didn’t notice, or pretended not to, because she was still prattling on about something and gesturing wildly as she talked. Now Galatyn glanced at Nadine, and both men were giving her curious and interested looks. She maintained eye contact, trying to project a more quiet confidence than her cousin was doing, but in reality, her mouth had gone dry and she fought an overwhelming urge to smooth down her hair or adjust her clothing.

  They’d been in The Lair once this past week, with Stephen, Micah, and Valerie, but it had been crowded and Nadine had had no time to talk to them. Austin leaned close to Kirsten and said something. Nadine guessed from the sudden frown on her cousin’s face, and the way Kirsten was now shooting invisible daggers her way, that Austin had asked about her. She bit back an urge to pump her fist in the air, but the sense of triumph flooding her senses made that difficult. Rarely had any male given her more attention than he gave Kirsten. It had been that way since grade school.

  Galatyn said something to Kirsten and both men moved away from her. Judging from the way Kirsten tossed back her hair and shot Nadine yet more dirty looks, she guessed that whatever they’d said hadn’t been what her cousin had wanted to hear. Nadine put on her best smile and straightened up as the men approached. Score one for standing quietly in a corner instead of acting like a slut.

  Austin extended his hand first, and Nadine shook it, resisting the urge to pull him closer. “Austin Meliadus. We saw you in the bar the other night. You work there, right?”

  They’d noticed her? Sweet! “Yes, I do. Joaquin Richardson, the owner, is my uncle. I’ve worked for him since I turned sixteen.”

  Galatyn shook her hand as soon as his cousin let go of it. “Galatyn Meliadus. Austin and I are cousins.”

  “Yes, I know. I’m very sorry about your brother, Simon. I understand Valerie’s father is responsible for his death as well.”

  Galatyn’s eyes filled with anger. “Yes, he is.”

  “At least now his killer is dead.” Nadine didn’t know what else to say. She was certainly no stranger to loved ones dying, but it was always an awkward topic, just the same.

  “We’re grateful to everyone in this village for that. The people here have been very kind to us. It’s a unique place.”

  “Thank you. We’ve heard that from other visitors. Drake and Emme work hard to make it welcoming to all, shape-shifters and humans alike.” Emme was Drake’s wife and collared sub, and there wasn’t a person in town who didn’t like her. “Will you be staying long in the village?”

  “Right now the length of our stay is indefinite. Drake has given us the home right next door to live in. We were staying in the home where Valerie lived, but she’s living there now with Stephen and Micah.”

  Nadine inhaled Galatyn’s scent, enjoying the way his woodsy smell made her nipples tingle and her pussy wet. “My uncle told me that.” Emme and Drake owned several homes in town, and often had people staying in them as guests.

  “Do you ever come to Stephen and Micah’s dungeon to play?” Austin got right to the point. She liked that. He smelled the same as his cousin, but up close now she could see the differences in them. Austin’s eyes were a deeper green, and his hair a bit darker. He was an inch or two taller than Galatyn, and his gaze was more intense than his cousin’s, but just as intriguing.

  “I’ve been there, but only to watch and ask questions.”

  “Why haven’t you played?”

  “No one has asked me yet.” It wasn’t in Nadine’s nature to be so bold with a man she’d just met, let alone two, but there was something about these leopards that drew her in. And they were friends with Stephen and Micah, so she knew she could trust them. The Jargonians wouldn’t have invited them to stay next door if they weren’t certain of their integrity.

  Austin almost smiled. “Well, then. Galatyn and I will have to do something about that. How often does your uncle make you work in that bar?”

  “Three or four nights a week. More often when my cousin decides she doesn’t feel like working that day.”

  His half-smile faded. “Forgive me for saying this, but you should have a serious talk with Kirsten. She’s going to end up getting hurt.”

  “Tell me about it. I’ve been trying to talk to her my entire life. We practically grew up together. Her father and mine were twins. Her mother died in childbirth and mine…she left when my shifter powers started to emerge.” Why had she told them that? Nadine rarely talked about her mother. It was still too painful to think about, and this was a party. The last thing she wanted to do was pour out her pitiful life to these two in the middle of a celebration.

  “What happened to her?” Galatyn’s voice was soft and full of compassion. His beautiful eyes shone with curiosity, but not the morbid kind. This was a man who would sit down with a woman and actually listen to her, and that was so unexpected coming from him, that Nadine suddenly wanted to tell them both every moment of her life.

  “She was human. We have a few living here in the village. But when it became apparent that I had inherited my father’s shifter DNA, she couldn't handle it. I’m not really sure why she ever mated with my father to begin with. All my memories of her include her voicing low opinions of shape-shifters in general.”

  “Have you ever asked him why she chose him?”

  “He never wanted to talk about her. And now of course, I can’t.”

  Galatyn looked confused for a second, and then understanding dawned in his eyes. He glanced at his cousin for a brief second. “I’m sorry. Drake had mentioned that your father died on a mission several years ago, but I didn’t put it together until just now.”

  “It’s all right. I mean, I’m very sorry he’s gone, but it’s okay that you didn’t realize I was his daughter until just now.”

sp; “So you’ve been on your own for a while, then.”

  She nodded. “Yes. I was eighteen when my father died, and afterwards I moved in with Uncle Joaquin and Kirsten. But now I live in one of the apartments above The Lair. Kirsten has the other, and her father still has his home on Sago Lilly Lane, one street over.” She bit the inside of her cheek so she’d shut the hell up. They hadn’t asked for an accounting of who lived where in the village. What was wrong with her? She couldn’t seem to stop talking about personal matters.

  “So Gary is your grandfather, then,” said Austin. “You must be proud to be related to him. He has a special group of jaguars working for him.”

  “I am proud of him and of what they do.” It was true, but being Gary Richardson’s granddaughter had its disadvantages. For one thing, most unattached males in this damn village were wary of her. Either they stayed clear because they worked for Gary and he routinely told them he’d hand them their balls if they hurt her, or they avoided her because they didn’t work for him, and felt guilty about that. The rest of them chased after Kirsten who, despite being Gary’s granddaughter as well, embarrassed him daily by turning seducing men into a sport.

  “We’re very grateful for their help,” said Austin. “But there’s still so much to do.”

  “Are the two of you staying here to work for him?”

  “Not in the field. We’re here right now more as consultants, and to represent the leopard villages in Arizona and New Mexico.”

  “How intriguing. What do you both do at home, if you don’t mind my asking?”